Access the Tools Necessary for Success
We know challenging situations might arise during your time at Webster Athens. But from application to graduation, we’ll be here to support you every step of the way.
Below is information that can help answer your financial questions, guide your career development and help you reach those academic milestones.

Writing Center

We offer free and friendly writing advice to our students, staff and faculty. Trained coaches can help at every stage of the writing process, from brainstorming ideas to documenting sources.
In our sessions, our coaches ask questions about the assignment, read your paper, comment on global issues, can help you determine how to polish your work, discuss documentation and citation and identify mechanical and grammatical problem patterns.
Our Student Resources
Fire/Hazardous Material Release
- Activate the nearest fire alarm.
- As you leave your room/office/class, close windows and doors, if you can.
- Do not take any belongings — your life comes first!
- Evacuate the building immediately by following the exit signs. Do not use any elevators.
- Walk to the Emergency Assembly Point, which is located at the corner of Ipitou and Voulis Streets.
- Do not return and enter the building unless instructed by security personnel.
- Call the fire department: 199
Medical Emergency
- Do not move the patient unless in danger at current location.
- Stay with the patient until help arrives.
- Call the paramedics: 166
Suspicious Person or Activity
- Immediately Notify Mr. Tom Mazarakis, Director of Operations on +30 211 990 5305 or Mobile +30 694 310 5051
Threatening Person on Campus
- Leave the building if someone is exhibiting threatening behavior or committing violence. Notify anyone you may encounter to exit the building.
- If you cannot leave the building, lock or barricade yourself in the nearest room and turn off the lights.
- Hide and keep as quiet as possible.
- Call the police: 100
Security Contact
The main contact for security issues on campus is Mr. Tom Mazarakis:
- On campus: +30 211 990 5305
- Mobile +30 694 310 5051
Emergency Assembly Point
- If you need to evacuate the building, use the nearest safe exit.
- Follow the evacuation routes on the plan (PDF) and report to the Emergency Assembly Point.
- Remain at the Emergency Assembly Point until you receive an “all clear” or further instructions.
Keep Your Contact Information Current
Webster Athens can only get emergency information to you if we know how to reach you. In order to keep you informed and safe, we must have your current information, including your email address, home phone number and mobile phone number. Faculty and staff should do this by contacting Human Resources. Students should contact the Registrar's Office.
The library at the Webster University Athens campus is temporarily closed. However, many online resources and research help are available to Webster Athens students. Friendly librarians are standing by to help you with research via email, Zoom, and 24/7 chat. You may also visit our YouTube channel for research tutorials.
Graduation is a term used when all academic requirements have been met, and a degree has been awarded. Commencement is a ceremony to honor students who have met graduation requirements and students who anticipate fulfilling graduation requirements by the end of the following term. Participation in the Commencement Ceremony does not guarantee graduation.
Petitions to Graduate
Petition to graduate is a necessary step you must take before you can graduate. You must submit a petition to graduate in order for your degree to be formally awarded and to receive your diploma.
Students are primarily responsible for monitoring their own progress toward degree completion and for meeting all graduation requirements. Prior to the beginning of their final semester students must contact the academic advisor and initiate a degree audit before starting graduation formalities.
Undergraduate and Graduate students will need to pick up a Petition form from the Office of the Registrar and complete it with their academic advisor. The advisor must complete a degree audit to accompany the petition. A graduation fee is payable at the Business Office where the form will be signed. The signed petition and degree audit should then be filed with the Office of the Registrar. Both the petition and the degree audit will be valid for one year. If graduation requirements are not met within one year, the student should submit another petition and degree audit.
Diplomas are dispatched by Webster University, St. Louis to the Athens campus approximately 8-10 weeks after the official date of graduation. They are checked by the Webster Athens, Office of the Registrar and Business Office, and diplomas pertaining to students with outstanding financial obligations or books on loan from the library are placed on “hold.“ They are released when all financial obligations have been cleared. All diplomas are sent to student’s permanent address by courier. Make sure that your mailing address is up to date.
Commencement Ceremony
The commencement ceremony is held in Athens once a year, usually after the end of the Spring II term.
Registration forms must be signed by your academic advisor. No registration form for Directed Studies, Internships/Practicum or Thesis will be processed by the Registrar without completion of all appropriate forms.
All registration formalities should be completed by the start of the term/semester. Students who have not completed registration formalities are not allowed to attend class.
Registration into courses is done on a first come first served basis; as courses get full very quickly, it is recommended to register for the upcoming term/semester as early as possible.
Students currently attending Webster Athens register for the upcoming session during their current session. All registration forms must be presented to the Business Office before taken to the Registrar. Only forms signed by the Business Office will be processed.
As a general rule, students are expected to attend all class sessions of every course. In case of unavoidable absences, the student must contact the instructor. Absences due to illness must be reported to the Registrar supported by a medical certificate. This is imperative in the case of foreign students who are in Greece for study purposes and hold a student visa.
Webster Athens reserves the right to involuntarily drop enrolled students from classes
they do not attend during the first week
of classes. The student is subject to appropriate academic penalty for incomplete
or unacceptable makeup work, or for excessive or unexcused absences.
Drop and Add
Students may change their schedules (drop/add) during the official drop/add period. Prior to the beginning of classes, students may add or drop classes with the approval of an academic advisor. After classes have begun, students may add a course with the approval of the academic advisor until the end of the first week of the term/semester. Students may drop classes through the end of the second week of the term/semester. Section changes in the same course will be approved or not at the advisor's discretion. Drop/add forms may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar.
In order for schedule changes to be official, the academic advisor must sign the drop slip Students who do not submit signed drop/add forms by the deadline will be graded and charged according to their registration on file at the end of the official drop/add period. Merely informing the instructor or advisor of the intent to drop a class or not attending a class will not constitute an official schedule change.
Students may withdraw from courses after the official drop/add period. Students may withdraw from courses up to and including Friday of the sixth week of an eight-week course and the Friday of the twelfth week of a semester course. To withdraw, a student must submit a withdrawal form signed by the academic advisor.
Students who do not submit signed withdrawal forms by the deadline will be graded and charged according to their registration on file at the end of the official withdrawal period. Merely informing the instructor of the intent to withdraw a class or stop attending a class will not constitute an official withdrawal. All withdrawal forms must be presented to the Business Office before taken to the Registrar. Only forms signed by the Business Office will be processed.
The Certificate of Enrollment is an official document stating that you are an active student for the current term. Therefore, Certificates will only be issued to students who are currently enrolled and regularly attending courses.
To request a Certificate, please sign up at the Registrar’s office. Upon student account clearance, the document will be issued within three working days. If you have a "hold" on your records due to outstanding financial obligations, your certificate will not be issued, and you will need to contact the business office.
Any student that has completed a course at our University may request a copy of their transcript from the Office of the Registrar. Transcripts that are sent to or handed to the student are labeled "Issued to Student." "Official transcripts" are those that are mailed directly to the institution/agency. Faxed transcripts are unofficial. Transcripts will not be released to students that have delinquent obligations to the University.
You may request a transcript of your work by one of the following methods:
- Online: Place your order. You will be required to pay by credit card. There is a $15 fee per transcript and
a $2.25 surcharge per order (not per transcript).
- By ordering transcripts electronically, you will be notified by text or email when the Registrar's Office begins processing your request.
- You will also be notified by text or email if there are any issues in processing your request.
- If you need express mailing, please contact the Registrar’s Office by phone at 314-246-7450 or by email to make arrangements after you have placed your order.
- Finally, you will also be notified by text or email when we have completed your order.
- Order Transcripts Electronically by Mail: Download and print the Transcript Request Form. Complete and sign it. Mail it along with a check or money order made payable to Webster University in the amount of $15 to the mailing address located on the Transcript Request Form.
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Founded in 1915, Webster University is committed to ensuring high-quality learning experiences that transform students for global citizenship and individual excellence. Prepare for your next step and explore our community resources.